October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Makes College More Affordable Four years ago Barack Obama promised to make college more affordable.
October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President Barack What Have You Done For Me Lately? PRESIDENT OBAMA’S 244 Accomplishments in 2009 and 2010. Compared to the same time that Bush and
October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Signs The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility Act Four years ago Barack Obama promised to pass credit card reform, signing the Credit Card Accountability
October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Supports Early Childhood Education “A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids
October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Magazine Covers Funky Presidential Magazine Covers!
October 6, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Collection‚ Collections‚ Funky President Barack Obama Comic Book Collection The Museum Of UnCut Funk has taken a very different approach to collecting items that are
May 3, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Proclamation 50th Anniversary Of The Freedom Rides Presidential Proclamation–50th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides
May 1, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President Obama Kills Osama Full Transcript of the President’s Remarks on Osama bin Laden Good evening. Tonight, I can report
January 25, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President 2011 State Of The Union Address January 25, 2011 President Obama State Of The Union Address Winning The Future 9:12 P.M. EST
December 22, 2010 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Ends Don’t Ask Don’t Tell President Obama signs the order repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” on December 22, 2010.
April 26, 2010 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Proclamation Death Of Dorothy Height Presidential Proclamation — Death of Dorothy Height
March 23, 2010 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Signs The Affordable Care Act President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010.
January 27, 2010 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President 2010 State Of The Union Address January 27, 2010 President Obama 2010 State Of the Union Address
December 10, 2009 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech A Just And Lasting Peace Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel
June 6, 2009 by Sista ToFunky in Aesthetic Grooves‚ Funky President Barack Obama Comic Books – the good, bad and ugly Comics featuring presidents are nothing new – even Nixon showed up in the Fantastic Four, and everyone hated the
May 26, 2009 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Nominates Sonia Sotomayor To The Supreme Court For Immediate Release May 26, 2009 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN NOMINATING JUDGE SONIA SOTOMAYOR TO