September 2, 2015 by c-dub in Funkalicious FILTHY FUNKED UP PHARMACISTS: THE DOPE ON HEROIN The “War On Drugs” has been a farce from it’s inception. Created by government as a
November 7, 2014 by c-dub in Funkalicious FUNK THE MIDDLE-CLASS There is no FUNKIN’ “Middle-Class.” Dear friends, associates, lovers of this website and random blog readers,
August 22, 2014 by c-dub in Funkalicious Call A Spade a FUNKIN’ Spade In the midst of turmoil, even when the worst of matters are smacking folks of all
May 30, 2014 by c-dub in Funkalicious An Open Letter to D’Angelo – insideplaya Recently my friend Gary Harris, who happens to be a former EMI A&R exec, has been criticized and