August 12, 2013 by Sista ToFunky in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks Celebrities And The 1963 March On Washington The Museum Of UnCut Funk is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.
March 12, 2013 by c-dub in Funkalicious FUNKY BROADWAY – “The Trip to Bountiful” w/ Cicely, Cuba and Vanessa! Tom Hanks is making his Broadway debut this season in Nora Ephron’s final play “Lucky Guy.”
February 5, 2013 by Sista ToFunky in Can't Get Enough Of That Funky Stuff Eartha Kitt Femme Fatale Spinning off from the popular “The Misadventures of Adam West” & “The Secret Lives of Julie
March 6, 2012 by c-dub in Funkalicious THE FUNKIEST TOP-20 SOUNDTRACKS OF ALL TIME – FUNKALICIOUS 105 Since I hit 100 blogs without realizing it, I figured I do something special for
February 16, 2012 by Sista ToFunky in Curator's Notes NAACP Image Awards circa 1975 As we prepare for the 43rd annual NAACP Images Awards, the Museum of UnCut Funk decided
September 4, 2010 by Sista ToFunky in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks Eartha Kitt Eartha Kitt established herself in film, theater, cabaret, music and on television. By the time she