November 17, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks BPP ANNIVERSARY: COINTELPRO (3 of 3) Family, this will be my final installment, for my thoughts on the Black Panther Party (BPP).
November 7, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks THE FUNKIEST MUSIC OF THE 70s What’s happening folks, it’s S.D., your favorite OG (older gent) here! Reflecting on some of my
October 30, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks Reflections: The Black Panther Party’s 48th Anniversary Fifteen days ago, October 15th, marked the 48th anniversary of the Black Panther Party (BPP). This
October 17, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks 48 FUNKIN’ YEARS 4 THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY! Let’s reminisce a little… I’m an O.G. (older gentleman) and as I recollect, I remember the 70s
October 16, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks STEVIE’S MEMORIES ON STEVIE WONDER’S “Songs In The Key of Life” Greetings Friends, Funk-A-Teers and Lovers of R&B… Take a trip with me as we STEP INTO