The hit AMC television series “Breaking Bad” ends this summer. Starring Bryan Cranston as “Heisenberg,” it co-stars Aaron Paul who portrays “Jesse” on the show. While a family was on tour in Los Angeles from Ireland, Paul left his home to greet them at their van. See the clip below, apologies for the doughnut w/ annoying commentator:
The series premiere for the finale season of “Breaking Bad” airs on August 11th. The final eight episodes are sure to be up to devoted fans expectations. At a recent forum in Queens, New York, creator Vince Gilligan sat and had a chat with reporter Charlie Rose according to the L-A Times. The event was a kick-off ceremony for the exhibit “From Mr. Chips to Scarface: Walter White’s Transformation in ‘Breaking Bad’. About the ending of the show, Gilligan expressed “‘Breaking Bad’ was always much more of a finite construct… Most T-V shows are designed by their nature to be open-ended, to be indefinite, to go on forever. It’s hard to get a T-V show going, and once you get it going, you don’t want it to end and I didn’t want ‘Breaking Bad’ to end. But I knew creatively when your self-imposed franchise, as was the case in ‘Breaking Bad,’ is to take your protagonist and turn him into your antagonist, that is a continuum you’ve just ascribed for yourself, and there’s only so bad that bad could be. By its very nature this is something that has a limited shelf life… I’m very happy with the ending,”