October 16, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Funky President President Obama Supports Early Childhood Education “A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids
October 6, 2011 by Sista ToFunky in Collection‚ Collections‚ Funky President Barack Obama Comic Book Collection The Museum Of UnCut Funk has taken a very different approach to collecting items that are
December 24, 2009 by c-dub in Funkalicious Funky Christmas It’s been a minute since my last blog entry. As we approach the end of 2009, the
July 30, 2009 by c-dub in Funkalicious The Funk Of Gates And Crowley Just watched a press conference post the “Beer Summit.” “The Beer Bash,” featuring the brews
June 6, 2009 by Sista ToFunky in Aesthetic Grooves‚ Funky President Barack Obama Comic Books – the good, bad and ugly Comics featuring presidents are nothing new – even Nixon showed up in the Fantastic Four, and everyone hated the
February 14, 2009 by Sista ToFunky in Can't Get Enough Of That Funky Stuff Black Like Me This is one of the most important and significant times in Black History. To celebrate the