November 17, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks BPP ANNIVERSARY: COINTELPRO (3 of 3) Family, this will be my final installment, for my thoughts on the Black Panther Party (BPP).
August 12, 2014 by c-dub in Funkalicious #IfTheyGunnedMeDown – Unjust and Fatal Assaults by Police #IfTheyGunnedMeDown is the latest phenomenon in social media. In lieu of too many tragic unjustified killings
July 6, 2013 by c-dub in Funkalicious SEX, BLOOD & VIOLENCE: The Funky Films of BRIAN DePALMA Alfred Hitchcock believed that “In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is
July 1, 2013 by c-dub in Funkalicious THE MIS-GUIDED MIND & FUNKED UP CIRCUMSTANCES OF LAURYN HILL Here are the facts: Lauryn Hill was sued for not paying collaborators on her Grammy Award