Astrea was the first Black female superhero featured in a Saturday Morning Cartoon series, the Space Sentinels. Roman mythological figures Hercules and Mercury were joined by Astrea, one of the most respected and esteemed goddesses of the Greek and Roman world to form a superhero team to protect mankind.
Astrea is the goddess of justice. She can morph in to nearly any living animal. The Space Sentinels was produced by Filmation, aired in 1977 on NBC and ran for 13 episodes:
- Morpheus: the Sinister Sentinel
- Space Giants
- The Time Traveler
- The Sorceress
- The Return of Anubis
- The Wizard of Od
- The Prime Sentinel
- Commander Nemo
- Voyage to the Inner World
- Loki
- Fauna
- The Jupiter Spore
- The World Shi
Astrea was voiced by Dee Timberlake.
The Space Sentinels © 2017 Comcast-NBC Universal
Could never figure out the connection between Goddess of Justice and being able to turn into animals? But this was a good cartoon that figure outside of the usual Black-exploitation heroes that Marvel indulged in creating.
I remember this cartoon but I thought they were call “The Young Sentinels” not “Space Sentinels”