December 30, 2015 by c-dub in Funkalicious THE GRAMMYS ARE COMING!!! The 58th Grammy Awards ceremony will be held on Monday, February 15, 2016 at the Staples
March 6, 2015 by c-dub in Funkalicious Oh How We Love the FUNK of Shonda Rhimes On the day after Eric Holder announces the results of the Federal Investigation on Ferguson… Shonda
November 7, 2014 by c-dub in Kool Cats And Hip Chicks THE FUNKIEST MUSIC OF THE 70s What’s happening folks, it’s S.D., your favorite OG (older gent) here! Reflecting on some of my
May 22, 2014 by c-dub in Funkalicious NEW FUNKY MUSIC There’s a lot of new music out there! Now, all new music isn’t necessarily good or
May 6, 2012 by c-dub in Funkalicious FUNKED UP! The Music of SOUL 2 – Seal and Heidi’s Split Seal’s new CD “SOUL 2” is in stores. A follow-up to his “SOUL” release, it’s a
April 13, 2012 by Sista ToFunky in Aesthetic Grooves Rock N Roll and Pure Funk by Kagan McLeod The Museum of UnCut Funk recently featured Kagan McLeod and his Infinite Kung Fu graphic novel
March 6, 2012 by c-dub in Funkalicious THE FUNKIEST TOP-20 SOUNDTRACKS OF ALL TIME – FUNKALICIOUS 105 Since I hit 100 blogs without realizing it, I figured I do something special for
December 19, 2011 by c-dub in Photo Albums c-dub’s Funkalicious Photo Album Music is my life! I have worked in the business of music entertainment in one form
January 4, 2011 by c-dub in Funk Legends‚ Funkalicious The FUNK n’ Soul of Al Green – The Al Green Interview I actually had the fortune to have met Al Green, the first time I interviewed him.