The 1964 story line Pettigrew for President featured a Black candidate for the Presidency of the Untied States. Considering the times, this was a pretty risky story line for Treasure Chest, or for that matter, any other comic title in America. The serialized story began in the issue cover dated January 30, 1964, Volume 19, #11. Treasure Chest #19 is in the archives of the Museum Of UnCut Funk.
In 1964 the idea of a Black Presidential candidate was considered to be an impossibility. However, one comic book of the day ran a storyline that featured that very scenario during a time when most Blacks who lived below the Mason-Dixon line had to use a water fountain labeled “colored”. That book, Treasure Chest (Of Fun and Fact), may not be remembered as a groundbreaking or innovative title but in 1964 it featured a ten-part story about the Presidential Campaign of Tim Pettigrew. The story was written by editor Berry Reece and drawn by artist and inker Joe Sinnott.

I remember reading the story, as it came out (I was a subscriber). As I recall, it went on for quite some time, and it wasn’t until the end that we discovered the candidate was Black.
I actually came to the site to see if my memory was correct.
The story was told through the eyes of the son of the campaign manager. The point was that we “overheard” privileged conversations and got to know the candidate as a real good person and never saw him until he won. It was a great perspective. It was a comic book given out to kids in catholic schools.